domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2013

Imprensa internacional destaca caso do gato capturado no presidio de Arapiraca-AL.

A notícia do gato capturado ao entrar em um presídio de Arapiraca(AL), carregando serras, brocas, fone de ouvido, cartão de memória, celular, baterias e um carregador de telefone móvel presos junto ao corpo foi destaque em muitos jornais pelo mundo.

Sites de jornais de vários países do mundo publicaram neste sábado a curiosa notícia.

No Mirror News:

Stunned guards at a Brazilian prison found a CAT trying to smuggle forbidden items into the jail.

Officers at the prison in the North-East of Brazil caught the feline red-pawed with a mobile phone, charger, batteries, drills bits and memory cards strapped to its body.

The white cat, who was seen trying to sneak past guards at the main entrance to the prison, is believed to have been secretly raised by inmates and then passed to visiting relatives.

The story was reported in Estado de Sao Paulo, one of the country's most serious newspapers.

"It's hard to know which of our prisoners is responsible for this, since the cat isn't talking," the management of the prison said in a statement.

The bizarre events happened at the medium security Judge Luiz de Oliveira Souza prison in the city of Arapiraca, Macei state, in the early hours of New Years Day.

Guards are investigating who raised the cat and say all of the 263 inmates are suspects.

The cat, however, is not being treated as a suspect and has been sent to a vet for treatment.

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